Beim Erwachsenen Training schließe ich zusätzlich eine separate Vereinbarung mit dem Dachverband „Chin Familie ILC LLC“ ab
Declaration of consent for the publication of photo and video material
Photo and video recordings in connection and framework (e.g. courses, lessons or training) of the membership.
Purpose of use
The consent includes the use of the recordings in analogue and digital media such as magazines, newspapers, posters, advertising brochures, data carriers and websites. Martial Arts School Christopher Eagen.
The undersigned agrees to the (free of charge) use of the photographs of himself for the purposes described above. The consent includes the spatially and temporally unrestricted use of the recordings. Use of the photographs for other purposes described or placing them on the market by making them available to third parties is not permitted.
This consent is voluntary. If it is not granted, there will be no disadvantages. This consent can be revoked at any time with effect for the future.
I would like to be included in a messenger group for members with my mobile number. Information on courses etc. is published here on an ongoing basis. It also serves to exchange information with each other.
Issuing a SEPA direct debit mandate
I/we authorize the martial arts school to collect payments from my/our account by direct debit. The conditions agreed with my/our bank apply.
Payee Name: Christopher Eagen Martial Arts School
Creditor identification number (credit identifier): DE45ZZZ00001922184
Your data will be treated confidentially and will not be passed on to third parties.
A notice:
I/we can request reimbursement of the amount charged within eight weeks of the debit date. The conditions agreed with my/our bank apply.
Danke für ihre Anmeldung!